The LAU Romanian Club in collaboration with Romania Levant Association celebrated on Wednesday, April 6, 2016 the annual “International Heritage Day” at the Lebanese American University, Beirut campus.

The event featured a Romanian traditional Folk dance performed by the members of the Romanian Club and choreographed by Daniela Rosu. Visitors had the occasion to indulge in the taste of Romanian food prepared by Boogie Strike’s Mrs. Mioara Farah, and discover the touristic offers and sites proposed by the Romanian National Airlines Tarom represented by Mrs. Salwa Fality.

In addition, some of the craft works exposed on stand was created by the kids attending RLA activities under the supervision of Professor Rita Heraoui.

“This project is financed with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Department of Policies for the Relation with Romanians Abroad”



Romania Levant Association (RLA) is a cultural, non-profit and non-governmental organization founded in June 2010 in Beirut, Lebanon, at the initiative of a number of Romanian-Lebanese nationals affiliated to Romania.

RLA aims mainly at promoting Romanian values, traditions, habits and culture in Lebanon and the Levant region, thus its name, by creating a bond between people with common goals and values.

Finally, RLA cooperates with various individuals, local authorities, government institutions, public administrations and private companies in Lebanon and abroad, for the implementation of projects of mutual interest and engages in volunteer activities for charitable causes.


Clubul Român LAU în colaborare cu Asociația România Levant au sărbătorit Miercuri 6 aprilie 2016 evenimentul anual “International Heritage Day” la campusul facultatii Lebanese American University din Beirut.

Clubul Român a prezentat un dans românesc folcloric tradițional cu coregrafia profesoarei Daniela Rosu. Vizitatorii au avut ocazia să fie tratati cu mancare româneasca preparata de Boogie Strike si D-na Mioara Farah, și sa descopere ofertele turistice si site-urile propuse de Compania Tarom reprezentata de d-na Salwa Fality.

De asemenea, unele dintre lucrările artizanale expuse în stand au fost create de către copiii care frecventează activitățile RLA sub supravegherea D-nei Rita Haraoui.

„Acest proiect este realizat cu sprijinul Departamentului Politici pentru Relatia cu Romanii de Pretutindeni”


Despre RLA:

Romania Levant Association (RLA) este o asociatie culturala, non-lucrativa si non-guvernamentala care a fost infiintata in iunie 2010 la Beirut, din initiativa unui numar de Romani-Libanezi apropiati de Romania.

RLA are ca scop principal promovarea valorilor, traditiilor, obiceiurilor si culturii romane in Liban si in Levant, prin crearea unei legaturi intre popoare care impartasesc scopuri si valori comune.

In cele din urma, RLA coopereaza cu diferite persoane, autoritati locale, institutii guvernamentale, administratii publice si companii private din Liban si din strainatate, in vederea implimentarii proiectelor de interes comun, precum si la activitatile de voluntariat pentru cauze caritabile.

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