Friday, November 11th, Romania Levant Association participated at the 23rd edition of the prestigious “Francophone Book Exhibition” in Beirut held at Biel from November 5th till November 13th. Our host this year was the...
Vineri 14 octombrie, in Liban, Asociatia Romania Levant a sarbatorit “Ziua recoltei”. Sarbatoarea recoltei se desfasoara in luna octombrie si are ca motivatie recunostinta pentru roadele pamantului. Este o sărbătoare a frumuseții toamnei, celebrată...
The European Day of Languages is celebrated every year on September 26 and it is meant to encourage language learning for young and old. Being convinced that linguistic diversity is a tool for achieving...
Nu uitati! Pentru a putea vota de acasa, prin corespondenta, fara a va deplasa la Ambasada, la alegerile parlamentare din Romania de la sfarsitul anului, trebuie sa va inscrieti in registrul electoral. Inscrierea este...
The Romanian community in Lebanon, as part of the annual cultural program of “Romania Levant Association”, has celebrated on Friday June 24, 2016 the “Romanian Blouse International Day”. On this occasion ladies wore proudly...
The children of Romania Levant Association have celebrated on Friday, June 10, 2016 at Al Hayat Nursing School the International Children’s Day. It is a yearly tradition celebrated in Romania and the entire world....
Every year, on May 18th, it is celebrated the International Museum Day. On this occasion, under the patronage of the European Council and UNESCO, an annual cultural event called “The Night of the Museums”...
Sub genericul “Asociatii romanesti din lume” a fost difuzat la RRI miercuri, 11 mai, intre orele 20.05 – 21, in reluare in noaptea de miercuri spre joi, de la orele 02.00, si joi de...
On April 27, Romania Levant Association (RLA) celebrated 130 years since the birth of Nicolae Tonitza and the 21st anniversary of World Book Day. The World Book Day is an international event organized by UNESCO...
On April 15th, 2016 at Amlieh High School in Beirut was held the Festival of Francophonie under the patronage of the Romanian Embassy in Beirut. The guests of the event, H.E. the ambassador of...