Romania Levant Association presents “Drops of ink of color” album dedicated to the Centenary, an album that represents the work of all children participating in the association’s activities. Congratulations: Giorgio Abou Madi, Ariana Gheorghiu,...
Beirut, the city that is known for its cosmopolitan spirit and its appreciation for different cultures, held the Nations Day Festival for three days (April 13-15) at Zaitunay Bay. Organized by Beirut Golden Awards...
A aparut numarul 2 al revistei Orient Romanesc – revista care promoveaza cultura, traditiile si obiceiurile romanesti si dialogul intercultural. „Acest proiect este realizat cu sprijinul Ministerului pentru Romanii de Pretutindeni Orient Romanesc Nr....
On the same occasion of the closing of the month of Francophonie in Lebanon, another great event happened this time at Montaigne High School in Beit Chabeb on March 28th, 2018. Lycée Montaigne is...
26 martie 2018 – Grand Lycée Franco Libanais The closing of the Francophonie month, under the high patronage of the Romanian Embassy in Lebanon, a key event of the Lebanese cultural calendar, took place...
March 8th is known worldwide as the international celebration of the woman. It is March that brings us back to spring. Women’s Day was celebrated for the first time on February 28, 1909, in...
15 ianuarie, Ziua Culturii Nationale a fost marcata la Beirut de catre comunitatea romaneasca printr-o intalnire unde a avut loc o prezentare (15 Ianuarie Ziua Culturii) a vietii si operei marelui poet Mihai Eminescu...
Duminica, 3 decembrie, Asociatia Sotiilor Diplomatilor din Liban (DSAL a gazduit Bazarul anual de caritate ale carui castiguri merg catre organizatiile de caritate locale. La eveniment au participat aproximativ 35 de țări, reprezentate de...
Editia cu nr.2 al revistei ORIENT ROMANESC – Special Craciun, aduce in prim plan traditiile romanesti in perioada Sarbatorilor de iarna, poezii pentru copii, portretul lunii, dna. ALINA CELIA CUMPAN, culorile Craciunului in atelier...
Sambata 2 decembrie comunitatea romaneasca din Liban a fost invitata de catre Ambasada Romaniei din Liban sa sarbatoreasca Ziua Nationala la hotelul Lancaster Tamar din Hazmieh, gazda noastra de cativa ani. Dupa discursul E.S....