The children of Romania Levant Association have celebrated on Friday, June 10, 2016 at Al Hayat Nursing School the International Children’s Day. It is a yearly tradition celebrated in Romania and the entire world.
This year, the event featured the citing of poems, playing Arabic instruments and dancing the Romanian traditional dance „Ciuleandra”.
As a token of appreciation for their year-long participation, RLA gifted each child with a Romanian book, donated by the Department of Policies for the Relation with Romanians Abroad, a song CD and/or a story-telling CD.
In addition to the mothers of the children participating at the even, it also featured the presence of Mrs. Laura Mircea, Cultural Affairs Counselor and wife of the Ambassador, and Mr. Madalin Iamandei, Consul.
Copiii Asociatiei Romania Levant au sarbatorit, vineri 10 iunie 2016 la Al Hayat Nursing School, Ziua internationala a copilului. Este un eveniment anual sarbatorit in Romania si in intreaga lume.
Anul acesta, la eveniment au fost citate poezii, copiii au cantat la instrumente arabesti si au dansat dansul traditional romanesc “Ciuleandra”.
Ca un semn de apreciere pentru participarea copiilor la activitati, RLA a oferit fiecarui copil o carte in limba romana, donata de Departamentul Politici pentru Relatia cu Romanii de Pretutindeni, un CD cu cantece si/sau CD de povestiri.
La eveniment au fost prezente mamele copiilor, precum si doamna Laura Mircea, Consiliera Culturala si sotie ambasadorului, si domnul consul Madalin Iamandei.