On April 15th, 2016 at Amlieh High School in Beirut was held the Festival of Francophonie under the patronage of the Romanian Embassy in Beirut.
The guests of the event, H.E. the ambassador of Romania Mr. Victor Mircea and his spouse Mrs. Laura Mircea, representatives of the French Institute in Beirut: Mrs. Carole Dandeville, Mrs. Blandine Yazbek and Mr. Mathiew Wenger, Romania Levant Association, representatives of Amlieh Association and members of the pedagogic office of the Amlieh High School were delighted with a varied cultural and artistic show: PP presentation of the francophone countries, PP presentation of Constantin Brancusi, Matei Visniec’s play “Attendez que la canicule passe”, songs and dances.
For this occasion, the students of EB5, EB6 and EB8 grades prepared a booklet of collective texts called “Dans mon pays…” and the students of EB8 grade wrote a story about the Edelweiss and presented the Romanian Blouse (IA) in Romanian and French.
Pe data de 15 aprilie 2016, sub Inaltul Patronaj al Ambasadei Romane din Liban, la Liceul Amlieh din Beirut a avut loc “Festivalul Francofoniei”.
La acest eveniment au participat:
– ES Ambasadorul Romaniei Dl. VICTOR MIRCEA impreuna cu sotia Dna. Laura Mircea
– Reprezentanti ai Institutului Francez: Dna. Carole Dandeville, Dna. Blandine Yazbek, Dl. Mathiew Wenger
– Asociatia Romania-Levant
– Reprezentanti ai Asociatiei AMLIEH
– Reprezentanti ai Biroului Pedagogic din Liceul AMLIEH
Elevii au prezentat un program cultural artistic variat : Pezentare PP – tarile francofone, prezentare PP Constantin Brancusi, piesa de teatru “Attendez que la canicule passe” de Matei Visniec, cantece si dansuri. Clasele EB 5/ EB6 si EB8 au pregatit cu aceasta ocazie un livret de texte colective intitulat :”Dans mon pays…” Elevii clasei EB8 au scris o legenda despre floarea de colt si au prezentat IA romaneasca, in limba franceza si limba romana.