Marti, 31 martie 2015, Romania a fost oaspetele prestigiosului club libanez Rotary si a fost reprezentata de Ambasada Romaniei in Liban si Asociatia Romania Levant.
Excelenta sa, ambasadorul Victor Mircea a deschis evenimentul cu un discurs despre Romania si relatiile bilaterale dintre Romania si Liban.
Copiii Asociatiei Romania Levant au prezentat un spectacol de dansuri traditionale romanesti. Invitatii au putut admira de asemenea expozitia de obiecte traditionale si de artizanat romanesc.
Tuesday, 31st of March, Romania was the guest of the prestigious Rotary Club of Lebanon and it was represented by the Romanian Embassy in Lebanon and Romania Levant Association.
H.E. Ambassador Victor Mircea opened the event with a speech about Romania and the bilateral relations between Romania and Lebanon.
The event featured also a traditional Romanian dance show by the children of Romania Levant Association and an exhibition of traditional objects and handicrafts.