The day of 15th of January was chosen as the National Culture Day because it is the birthday of the biggest Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu. In this day we celebrate not only a big creator, but it is also a day of reflection on the Romanian culture in general.

Romania Levant Association marked this event with a Power Point presentation prepared by Mrs. Anca Cheaito and poems of Eminescu presented by the children of the Romanian community. (please see file attached).

We were honored by the presence of representatives of Romanian Embassy in Lebanon, in the persons of Mrs. Laura Mircea, minister counselor, Mrs. Cristina Albu and Mrs. Cristina Coroiu.


“This project is financed with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Department of Policies for the Relation with Romanians Abroad”


Ziua de 15 ianuarie a fost aleasa ca Ziua Culturii Nationale pentru ca este ziua de nastere a celui mai mare poet roman, Mihai Eminescu. Este o zi in care se celebreaza nu numai un mare creator, dar si o zi de reflectie asupra culturii romane in genere.

Romania Levant Association a marcat acest eveniment in ziua de 13 ianuarie, cu o prezentare Power Point pregatita de doamna Anca Cheaito si poezii din creatia lui Eminescu prezentate de copiii comunitatii romanesti.. (fisier atasat).

La eveniment au participat si reprezentanti ai Ambasadei Romaniei in Liban, in persoanele doamnelor Laura Mircea, ministru consilier,  Cristina Albu si Cristina Coroiu.


„Acest proiect este realizat cu sprijinul Departamentului Politici pentru Relatia cu Romanii de Pretutindeni”