Sambata 2 decembrie comunitatea romaneasca din Liban a fost invitata de catre Ambasada Romaniei din Liban sa sarbatoreasca Ziua Nationala la hotelul Lancaster Tamar din Hazmieh, gazda noastra de cativa ani.
Dupa discursul E.S. domnul ambasador Victor Mircea despre semnificatia Zilei Nationale in pragul Centenarului Marii Unirii si in care a subliniat importanta mentinerii legaturilor dintre romanii din afara granitelor si Romania, invitatii au fost delectati cu un dans traditional romanesc prezentat de membri ai Asociatiei Romania Levant in colaborare cu Asociatia de Prietenie Moldoveneasca din Liban si au putut degusta delicioasele sarmale.
La eveniment au participat de asemenea fosti absolventi libanezi ai facultatilor romanesti care s-au prins si ei in Hora Unirii.
Ziua de 1 decembrie a fost declarata sarbatoare nationala in anul 1990, dupa revolutia anticomunista din 1989, deoarece aceasta data marcheaza unirea Transilvaniei si Banatului cu Romania care a avut loc in 1918 in urma Proclamatiei de la Alba Iulia.
„Acest proiect este realizat cu sprijinul Ministerului pentru Romanii de Pretutindeni”
Saturday, December 2, the Romanian community in Lebanon was invited by the Romanian Embassy in Lebanon to celebrate the National Day at the Lancaster Tamar Hotel in Hazmieh, our host for several years.
After the discourse of E.S. Ambassador Victor Mircea on the significance of the National Day on the threshold of the Centenary of the Great Union and stressing the importance of maintaining the links between the Romanians abroad and Romania, the guests were delighted with a Romanian traditional dance presented by members of Romania Levant Association in collaboration with the Lebanese Moldavian Friendship Association and they were able to taste delicious “sarmale”.
Former Lebanese graduates of the Romanian faculties attended the event also and took part in the Hora Unirii.
December 1 was declared a national holiday in 1990 after the 1989 anticommunist revolution, as this date marks the union of Transylvania and Banat with Romania, which took place in 1918 following the Alba Iulia Proclamation.
“This project is financed with the support of the Ministry of Romanians Abroad”