Ziua femeii 2019/Woman’s Day 2019
Asociația România Levant a organizat, cu sprijinul Ambasadei României la Beirut, evenimentul dedicat Zilei Internaționale a Femeii ce a avut loc sâmbătă 9 martie 2019, la Deir El Kalaa Country Club în Beit Mery....
Asociația România Levant a organizat, cu sprijinul Ambasadei României la Beirut, evenimentul dedicat Zilei Internaționale a Femeii ce a avut loc sâmbătă 9 martie 2019, la Deir El Kalaa Country Club în Beit Mery....
Beirut, the city that is known for its cosmopolitan spirit and its appreciation for different cultures, held the Nations Day Festival for three days (April 13-15) at Zaitunay Bay. Organized by Beirut Golden Awards...
A aparut numarul 2 al revistei Orient Romanesc – revista care promoveaza cultura, traditiile si obiceiurile romanesti si dialogul intercultural. „Acest proiect este realizat cu sprijinul Ministerului pentru Romanii de Pretutindeni Orient Romanesc Nr....
26 martie 2018 – Grand Lycée Franco Libanais The closing of the Francophonie month, under the high patronage of the Romanian Embassy in Lebanon, a key event of the Lebanese cultural calendar, took place...
15 ianuarie, Ziua Culturii Nationale a fost marcata la Beirut de catre comunitatea romaneasca printr-o intalnire unde a avut loc o prezentare (15 Ianuarie Ziua Culturii) a vietii si operei marelui poet Mihai Eminescu...
Sambata 2 decembrie comunitatea romaneasca din Liban a fost invitata de catre Ambasada Romaniei din Liban sa sarbatoreasca Ziua Nationala la hotelul Lancaster Tamar din Hazmieh, gazda noastra de cativa ani. Dupa discursul E.S....
“Children’s Day”, celebrated for the first time in Romania on June 1st 1950, is an opportunity to celebrate the most beautiful period of every man’s life – childhood, to support children, to appreciate and...
Cultural exchange between AMLIEH High School students in Beirut, Lebanon (coordinator Prof. Anca Cheaito) and Avram Iancu High School from Alba Iulia, Romania (coordinator Prof. Iulia Vadan). This Strategic Partnership between schools aims to...
Easter – the feast of joy and traditions. Easter, the oldest and most important celebration of Christianity, was celebrated by Romania Levant Association on Friday, April 9, 2017. The children presented customs and traditions...
Romania is annually present at the cultural events organized on the occasion of the Francophonie by the Amlieh High School since 2011. This year, on March 24, 2017, at the Amlieh High School took...